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We are currently working
on a number of projects designed to provide educational services to those without and are working towards building an educational facility to provide full, hands on call-center classes...
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News that effects us all on a local and global scale.
March 5 - We're on Twitter ! Human Mobility.org [ Mobilidad.org ] is pleased to announce today that we have jumped on yet another cyber-bandwagon and we have our own Twitter.com account. If you would like to stay up to date on our work, the progress we have made in certain areas, the latest joy and hope we have brought to an individual, a family or even a whole village! Then go to http://www.Twitter.com/Mobilidad and sign up for a Twitter account if you haven't gotten one yet and follow us. We promise we will follow you back! Twitter is great because even if you're not near a computer, you can point your phone's browser at http://m.Twitter.com/Mobilidad and you can sign up to follow us right from your phone and you will recieve a text message everytime we send out a Tweet.
[Please keep in mind that Twitter is free but your mobile provider may charge you extra for data transfer and text messaging so make sure that you know exactly what your plan covers before going to any website or signing up for a service that involves text messaging.]
April 28 - New swine flu infections intensify travel fears
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - New swine flu infections were found around the world on Tuesday and the specter of a pandemic began to hit the travel industry as governments warned people to stay away from Mexico where 149 people have died.
Read More: http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE53N22820090428
Upcoming Holidays Around the World:
April 30th - Children's Day
May 1st - Labour Day
May 5th - Cinco de Mayo
May 25th - Memorial Day
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Phone: +1.307.637.7090
E-mail: [email protected]
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